
working partially working not implemented

Overview of working features for German language extension (textblob-de) compared to  English main package (textblob)

blob.analyzer blob.np_extractor blob.startswith
blob.classifier blob.parse4 blob.string
blob.classify blob.parser blob.strip
blob.correct1 blob.polarity blob.stripped
blob.detect_language blob.pos_tagger blob.subjectivity2
blob.ends_with blob.pos_tags5 blob.tags5
blob.endswith blob.raw blob.title
blob.find blob.raw_sentences blob.to_json
blob.format blob.replace blob.tokenize
blob.index blob.rfind blob.tokenizer
blob.join blob.rindex blob.tokens
blob.json2 blob.sentences blob.translate
blob.lower blob.sentiment_assessements1
blob.ngrams  blob.sentiment2 blob.upper
blob.noun_phrases3  blob.serialized2 blob.word_counts
blob.np_counts blob.split blob.words
 v0.4.4a1 Travis-CI  github dev branch

To install the development version:

(apparently this does not always work on Windows (e.g. Python3.3 (64bit): ok, Python3.4 (64bit): not ok) see issues #1744/5 for details)

$ pip install -U git+https://github.com/markuskiller/textblob-de.git@dev
$ python -m textblob.download_corpora

1 Raises NotImplementedError

2 Currently, there is no information on subjectivity (default Value: subjectivity: 0.0)

3 It works, but it is a very naïve and resource hungry approach. A pre-trained NP Chunker model would be preferable but I have not found any suitable python implementations for German yet.

4 Additional options compared to textblob main package: blob = TextBlob(text, parser=PatternParser(lemmata=True, pprint=True)) and all documented PatternParser keywords

5 Additional options compared to textblob main package: blob = TextBlob(text, tagger=PatternTagger(include_punc=True, tagset='stts')) additional keywords