LF Aligner helps translators create translation memories from texts and their translations. It relies on Hunalign for automatic sentence pairing. Input: txt, doc, docx, rtf, pdf, html. Output: tab delimited txt, TMX and xls. With web features.
- autoalign txt, doc, docx, rtf, html, pdf and other formats
- output: tmx, tabbed txt and xls
- supports windows, mac and linux
- graphical user interface (on Windows)
- integrated graphical interface for alignment review/editing
- capable of aligning texts in up to 100 languages simultaneously
- full UTF-8 workflow
- uses hunalign for accurate autoalignment
- built-in dictionary data further improves autoalignment in 800+ language combinations
- download and align webpages
- download and align EU legislation automatically
- suitable for large-scale automated corpus building with unattended batch mode
- basic support for some oriental languages, enhanced support for most European languages
- built-in customizable sentence segmenter borrowed from the europarl corpus project
- the grab bag contains various TM, termbase and data conversion and filtering tools

Source: http://http://sourceforge.net/projects/aligner/ [accessed: 14/01/2014]