pip installations of sphinx, numpy & imapclient in virtual environment on Linux work out-of-the-box

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install additional python packages in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Use pip to install/update additional packages (the installation of the following packages worked out-of-the-box):
  1. bin/pip install -U sphinx
    1. bin/pip install -U numpy
    1. bin/pip install -U imapclient