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NoSketch Engine
Welcome to NoSketch Engine, an open-source project combining Manatee and Bonito into a powerful and free corpus management system. NoSketch Engine is a limited version of the software empowering the famous Sketch Engine service, a commercial variant offering word sketches, thesaurus, keyword computation, user-friendly corpus creation and many other excellent features.
Manatee is a corpus management tool including corpus building and indexing, fast querying and providing basic statistical measures. It utilitates a fast indexing library called Finlib.
Bonito is a graphical user interface to corpora mantained by Manatee. It is available as a standalone graphical application in Tcl/Tk (version Bonito1, not developed/supported anymore) and web interface in Python (version Bonito2, under constant development).
Source: http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/noske/ [accessed: 23/12/2013]