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2012-09-25 Developer / Project Head: Laurence Anthony
Purpose/Version/Date Web‐based framework for distribution and analysis of single and parallel corpora 1.0 25 Sep 2012 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX freeware / open source / available on request at License: not specified Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Perl, php Key features: MINIMAL PRE-PROCESSING REQUIRED, SERVER INSTALLATION, (PARALLEL) KWIC, SORTING, HIGHLIGHTING OF KEYWORD IN PARALLEL CORPUS, ACTIVE SENTENCE HIGHLIGHTING, WEBPARANEWS, ANTWEBCONC Website: Laurence Anthony\’s Homepage (EN) Website: AntWCF EN-DE (sample implemenation 2014) Website: WebParaNews EN-JP (sample implemenation 2012) Website: Step-by-step installation guide on Xubuntu 12.04 LTS



A freeware, open‐source, web‐based framework for distribution and analysis of single and parallel corpora.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture of AntWebConc (Figure 7 in "A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics" (Anthony 2013: 157)

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture of AntWebConc (Figure 7 in “A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics” (Anthony 2013: 157)

Sample Implementations

A web-based interface to the Japanese-English News Articles database of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).

WebParaNews is developed in collaboration with Kiyomi CHUJO (Nihon University, Japan).

Source: [accessed: 28/01/2014]

28-01-2014 13-07-30

A second web-based interface to a sample of the English-German Young Adult Fiction Parallel Corpus (YAFPC) is available on my mini corpus server:

AntWCF Sample Implementation EN-DE


Quote Tool as:

  • Anthony, L. (2014). AntWebCorpusFramework (Version 1.0) [Computer Software]. Tokyo, Japan: Waseda University. Available on request at


  • Anthony, L. (2013). “A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics”. Linguistic Research 30 (2): 141–161. Available online.
  • Anthony, L, Kiyomi, Ch. and Oghigian, K. (2011). “A novel, web-based, parallel concordancer for use in the ESL/EFL classroom”. In J. Newman (ed). Corpus-based studies in language use, language learning, and language documentation, 123–138. Amsterdam: Rodopi.