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2013-12-10 Developer / Project Head: Markus Killer
Purpose/Version/Date automatic alignment pipeline for parallel treebanks source: 1.4 10 Dec 2013 Platform/License Linux open source License: GNU GPLv2+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Python Key features: AUTOMATIC ALIGNMENT PIPELINE, WRAPPERS FOR HUNALIGN, ZHECHEV TREEALIGNER, EXPORT TO TIGERXML AND TMX Website: t2t-pipe Repository Website: 4-minute Screencast Website: Introduced in Killer, M; Sennrich, R; Volk, M (2011)


The *Tree-to-Tree (t2t) Alignment Pipe* is a small collection of python scripts, co-ordinating the process of automatic alignment of parallel treebanks from plain text or xml files. The main work and the more advanced stuff is done by a number of freely available NLP software programs. Once these third party programs have been installed and the system and corpus specific details have been updated, the pipe is designed to produce automatically aligned parallel treebanks with a single program call from a unix command line. Currently, German, French and English are fully supported by the scripts and the programs called by the scripts.

Source: [accessed: 07/01/2014]


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