Class: I1b (KSH)
17 April 2018 – 20 April 2018
- KSH-AW I1b April 2018 (in German)

Class: I1b (KSH)
17 April 2018 – 20 April 2018
Class-room friendly collocations dictionary:
[Last update: 03/06/2015] (superseded by SkELL – Sketch Engine for Language Learning)
Dear visitor,
Thanks for stopping by at, a site dedicated to collecting useful resources in the fields of corpus linguistics, e-learning, natural language processing and python programming with a particular focus on applied uses in the foreign language classroom.
I started this website as a by-product and companion to my Lizenziatsarbeit/M.A. Thesis in English Linguistics at the University of Zurich. As I will provide an overview of available tools and also evaluate their usability for practical applications in the EFL classroom, I thought that my progress could be documented online and – at the same time – this collection of resources could prove to be useful to English teachers using corpus linguistic approaches in their classrooms.
Other overviews/directories I found online were either not specific enough, confusing or no longer maintained. The initial entries in my database represent tools that I have been using for years and tools I’ve only just learned about when going through the following three publications:
A collection of resources can only be kept up-to-date with the help of those who are using it. With that in mind, I attempted to make it as easy as possible for everyone to submit requests, corrections, dead links or reviews of the resources in the database.
I’m looking forward to receiving many contributions from casual and regular visitors to /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/.
Markus Killer