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2010-08-04 Developer / Project Head: Lou Burnard
Purpose/Version/Date Indexing and analysis of large XML corpora stable: 1.26 4 Aug 2010 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX open source License: GNU GPL2+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Perl Key features: XML-AWARE, INDEXING, CONCORDANCER, DEVELOPED FOR BNC Website: Xaira Repository (EN) Website: All about Xaira (OUP – Help page including tutorials)


All About Xaira

Welcome to Xaira!

This is a legacy webpage with information about Xaira from 2009. The information below will be out of data one day, and some links will break.

Xaira is the name for a version of SARA, the text searching software originally developed at Oxford University Computing Services for use with the British National Corpus. Xaira was entirely re-written as a general purpose XML search engine, which will operate on any corpus of well-formed XML documents. It is however best used with TEI-conformant documents.

Xaira has full Unicode support. This means you can use it to search and display text in any language, provided you have a suitable Unicode font installed on your system.

At the heart of Xaira is the Xaira Object Model. This defines a range of objects and methods for representing and searching large amounts of linguistic data. The Xaira Server program implements this model. The Xaira Indexer program creates platform-independent indexes from collections of XML documents for use by the Server. Both these Xaira components can be deployed on any platform.

Client programs can access a Xaira server using a close-coupled API such as that used by the Windows client (which is written in C++), or via XMLRPC or SOAP. We provide a fully-featured client for Windows, and a PHP code library which makes it easy to develop applications for the web which can talk to a Xaira server.

All versions of Xaira are now distributed free of charge under the GNU General Public Licence.

Xaira has been developed with funding from the Andrew W Mellon Foundation and the British National Corpus Consortium.

Sections in this document:

Source: http://projects.oucs.ox.ac.uk/xaira/ [accessed: 04/01/2014]


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