Category Archives: Support

In this category I will try to keep track of problems I ran into (missing dependencies / memory tweaks / os-specific configuration) when working with tools described on this site.

AntConc 3.2.4m (2011) on OSX Mavericks (OS X 10.9)

There are two things that you have to bear in mind, when trying to start AntConc 3.2.4m on Mac OS X Mavericks:

(jump to Troubleshooting section if antconc pops up briefely and disappears again)

1) By default, if you try to open the app, it is blocked by OSX Gatekeeper:


  • To be able to start the app, you need to add it as an exception: Go to ‘Apple Icon’ ⇨ ‘System Preferences’ ⇨ ‘Security & Privacy’:

23-01-2014 22-58-40

  • Click on ‘Open Anyway’ (you need to have double-clicked antconc3.2.4m before for this option to appear):

23-01-2014 22-59-02

  • and click on ‘open’ in the following dialogue:

23-01-2014 23-48-38

2) Download, install & run the latest X11:

  • The first time you try to open the app, you’ll see the following message:

23-01-2014 23-51-26

  • You can click on ‘Continue’ or go directly to the download page:
  • Download and open the latest .dmg file
  • Install XQuartz on your system
  • Start X11 (‘Finder’ ⇨ ‘Go’ ⇨ ‘Utilities’ ⇨ ‘XQuartz’)
  • Double-click antconc3.2.4m

24-01-2014 00-07-09


If the antconc3.2.4m icon only pops up briefly in the doc area and disappears again, you forgot to start X11 before starting AntConc:

Open ‘XQuartz’: ‘Finder’ ⇨ ‘Go’ ⇨ ‘Utilities’ ⇨ ‘XQuartz’

24-01-2014 00-09-06

and double-click antconc afterwards. (Go back to Section 2 if ‘XQuartz’ is not present in the ‘Utilities’ folder.)


Installing uplug on Linux

Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit) for languages English, German (& French)

  • Install/check for uplug dependencies (libmodule-install-perl is compulsory, others could also be installed through cpan when running make):
  1. sudo apt-get install libmodule-install-perl libxml-parser-perl libxml-simple-perl libfile-sharedir-perl libipc-run-perl
  • Clone latest version from bitbucket repository:
  1. git clone uplug
  • Third-party tools that are not automatically installed:
    • MElt (Tagger for French)
      • Dependencies: sudo apt-get install gawk python-numpy
  • Install individual modules:
cd uplug-XY
perl Makefile.PL
sudo make install
  • Install all modules:
cd uplug
make all
sudo make install
make test

Running InterText Editor on Linux

Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit)

  1. sudo apt-get install libqt4-gui
  • Download latest release (InterText is a 64-bit linux binary without extension) and run InterText Editor:
  1. mkdir InterText
    cd InterText
    chmod +x InterText
  • Download icon and create desktop shortcut (copy-paste [Desktop Entry] into a new file called InterText.desktop on your Desktop, don’t forget to adapt the full path to InterText binary and InterText_logo.gif):
  1. wget
  1. [Desktop Entry]
    Name=InterText 1.1.1
    Comment=Parallel Alignment Editor 

Running TextSTAT on Linux

Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit), using default python interpreter (v2.7.3)

[Last update: 04/03/2014]

  • Install/check for TextSTAT dependencies:
  1. sudo apt-get install python-tk
  • Download latest release (check here for latest version number) and run TextSTAT:
  1. mkdir TextSTAT
    cd TextSTAT
    chmod +x TextSTAT.pyw
  • Download icon and create desktop shortcut (copy-paste [Desktop Entry] into a new file called TextSTAT.desktop on your Desktop, don’t forget to adapt the full path to TextSTAT.pyw and textstat_logo.gif):
  1. wget
  1. [Desktop Entry]
    Name=TextSTAT 2.9c
    Comment=Concordancing Program written in Python

Installing nltk3 for Python3 in virtual environment on Linux

[Last update: 04/01/2015]

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install nltk (v3) in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Use pip to install the latest version of nltk:
  1. (apy3341):~$ pip install -U nltk
  • [January 2015] Workaround for users with setuptools versions >=10 (see NLTK Issue #824):
  1. (apy3341):~$ pip install setuptools==9.1
    (apy3341):~$ pip install -U nltk
  • (skip, if nltk_data already present on system) Start Python interpreter in virtual environment and download nltk_data (corpora, packages & models):
(apy3341) mki@ubuntu:~$ python
ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
Python 3.3.4 (default, Feb 25 2014, 14:59:15) 
[GCC 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import nltk

pip installations of sphinx, numpy & imapclient in virtual environment on Linux work out-of-the-box

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install additional python packages in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Use pip to install/update additional packages (the installation of the following packages worked out-of-the-box):
  1. bin/pip install -U sphinx
    1. bin/pip install -U numpy
    1. bin/pip install -U imapclient

Installing lxml in virtual environment on Linux

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install lxml in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Install/check for lxml dependencies (for pip to be able to compile lxml from source code):
  1. sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev
  • Use pip to install/update lxml:
  1. bin/pip install -U lxml

Installing ipython in virtual environment on Linux

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install ipython in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Make sure that readline support is installed in your virtual environment (prerequisite for ipython’s colour prompts).
  • Use pip to install/update readline:
  1. bin/pip install -U ipython

Installing readline support in ActivePython virtual environment on Linux

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment  & Install pip in virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 13.10 / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install readline in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Install/check for readline dependencies (for pip to be able to compile readline from source code):
  1. sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
  • Use pip to install/update readline:
  1. bin/pip install -U readline

Installing pip in virtual environment

[Last update: 03/07/2014]

Prerequisites: Install Python and set up virtual environment
Tested on: Xubuntu 12.04 LTS / 14.04 LTS (64-bit) with ActivePython installed in /opt

  • (skip, if activated) Activate the virtual environment you would like to install pip in:
  1. cd ~/venv/apy3341
    source bin/activate
  • Download ““:
  1. curl > bin/
  • Download and install pip (the latest version of setuptools will be installed automatically):
  1.  bin/python bin/