Author Archives: Markus Killer



2010-08-04 Developer / Project Head: Lou Burnard
Purpose/Version/Date Indexing and analysis of large XML corpora stable: 1.26 4 Aug 2010 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX open source License: GNU GPL2+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Perl Key features: XML-AWARE, INDEXING, CONCORDANCER, DEVELOPED FOR BNC Website: Xaira Repository (EN) Website: All about Xaira (OUP – Help page including tutorials)
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InterText Editor

2020-11-03 Developer / Project Head: Pavel Vondřička
Purpose/Version/Date Parallel text alignment editor. 1.6.3 3 Nov 2020 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX freeware License: GNU GPLv3+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): C++ (GUI: Qt) Key features: CROSSPLATFORM PARALLEL TEXT EDITOR, OPTIONAL ALIGNER INTEGRATION Website: InterText (EN) Website: GitHub Repo Website: Pavel Vondřička’s Homepage (EN)
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InterText Server

2021-09-28 Developer / Project Head: Pavel Vondřička
Purpose/Version/Date Server version of parallel text alignment editor. 2.3 (stable) / 2.3.1 (dev) 7 Oct 2020 / 21 Seo 2021 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX freeware License: GNU GPLv3+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): php, mysql, C++ binaries Key features: SERVER VERSION, PARALLEL TEXT EDITOR, OPTIONAL ALIGNER INTEGRATION Website: InterText (EN) Website: GitHub Repo Website: Pavel Vondřička’s Homepage (EN)
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2023-06-01 Developer / Project Head: Thomas Machalek
Purpose/Version/Date Open-source web-interface to corpus management system manatee (bonito fork with support for parallel corpora) 0.17.2 1 June 2023 Platform/License web-based (also on localhost) open source License: GNU GPLv2+ Price/Availability free IMPORTANT NOTICE: official NoSketchEngine of manatee 2.59.X / 2.107.1 are NOT SUPPORTED but a compatible fork is provided on github (see link below) Programming Language(s): Python Key features: SERVER INSTALLATION, SUPPORT FOR PARALLEL CORPORA Website: KonText Website: KonText Repository (bonito fork maintained by Czech National Corpus) Website: KonText compatible fork of manatee / bonito / gdex / crystal-open
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2023-04-17 Developer / Project Head: Pavel Rychlý
Purpose/Version/Date Open-source corpus management system 2.223.6-open-5.63.9-open-4.12-2.142 (manatee/bonito/gdex/crystal) 17 Apr 2023 Platform/License web-based (also on localhost) open source License: GNU GPLv2+ Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Python, C++, Perl Key features: SERVER INSTALLATION, MANAGE YOUR OWN CORPORA Website: NoSketchEngine (bonito, manatee, gdex, crystal, open-susanne-corpus) Website: KonText Repository (alternative front end maintained by Czech National Corpus) Website: SketchEngine (commercial version)
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2023-08-04 Developer / Project Head: Adam Kilgarriff (†)
Purpose/Version/Date Advanced Corpus Management System stable: 2.36.5-SkE-2.151.6-3.99.3 / beta: 2.36.7-SkE-2.152.1-3.101(finlib/manatee/bonito) 4 Aug 2023 (last version check, under constant development) Platform/License web-based commercial License: commercial Price/Availability €78.-/year (Academic single user license, own corpus quota: 1 Mio words) 30-day free trial Programming Language(s): various Key features: WORD SKETCHES, SOPHISTICATED COLLOCATION MEASURES, THESAURUS, PRELOADED BILLION WORD CORPORA FOR MANY LANGUAGES, EASIEST WAY TO CREATE YOUR OWN SYNTACTICALLY ANNOTATED CORPORA Website: SketchEngine (stable) Website: SketchEngine (beta) Website: NoSketchEngine (open source version – reduced functionality)
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2017-12-20 Developer / Project Head: Laurence Anthony
Purpose/Version/Date Concordancing program for parallel corpora 1.2.1 20 Dec 2017 Platform/License Win/OSX/Linux freeware License: not specified Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Perl Key features: PARALLEL CONCORDANCER, KWIC FOR SOURCE LANGUAGE – SENTENCE HIGHLIGHTING FOR TARGET LANGUAGE, ADVANCED SORTING Website: Download Page (EN) Website: Laurence Anthony’s Homepage (EN)
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2023-01-12 Developer / Project Head: Laurence Anthony
Purpose/Version/Date Concordancing program for monolingual corpora. Win/Mac/Linux: 4.2.0 03 Jan 2023 Platform/License Win/Linux/macOS freeware License: AntConc-License Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Perl Key features: KWIC, ADVANCED SORTING, KEY(WORD) LISTS, COLLOCATION MEASURES, VISUALISING DISTRIBUTION ACROSS FILES, HIDE TAGS, CUSTOM TOKEN/WORD DEFINITIONS Website: AntConc Homepage (EN) Website: Support Forum (extremely helpful and active community) Website: Laurence Anthony’s Homepage (EN)
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2015-09-02 Developer / Project Head: Matthias Hüning
Purpose/Version/Date Simple concordancing program for monolingual corpora Binary: 2.9c, Source: 3.0 (beta) 20 Feb 2014 / 2 Sep 2015 Platform/License Win/Linux/OSX open source License: MIT Price/Availability free Programming Language(s): Python (GUI: Tk) Key features: KWIC, SORTING, WORD LISTS, ADD ONLINE WEBPAGES TO COPRUS Website: TextSTAT (EN) Website: TextSTAT (DE)
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Welcome to

Dear visitor,

Thanks for stopping by at, a site dedicated to collecting useful resources in the fields of corpus linguistics, e-learning, natural language processing and python programming with a particular focus on applied uses in the foreign language classroom.

I started this website as a by-product and companion to my Lizenziatsarbeit/M.A. Thesis in English Linguistics at the University of Zurich. As I will provide an overview of available tools and also evaluate their usability for practical applications in the EFL classroom, I thought that my progress could be documented online and – at the same time – this collection of resources could prove to be useful to English teachers using corpus linguistic approaches in their classrooms.

Other overviews/directories I found online were either not specific enough, confusing or no longer maintained. The initial entries in my database represent tools that I have been using for years and tools I’ve only just learned about when going through the following three publications:

  • Anthony, Laurence (2013). “A critical look at software tools in corpus linguistics”. Linguistic Research 30 (2): 141–161.
  • Bennett, Gena R. (2010). Using Corpora in the Language Learning Classroom: Corpus Linguistics for Teachers. Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan Press.
  • Breyer, Yvonne A. (2011). Corpora in language teaching and learning: Potential, evaluation, challenges. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

A collection of resources can only be kept up-to-date with the help of those who are using it. With that in mind, I attempted to make it as easy as possible for everyone to submit requests, corrections, dead links or reviews of the resources in the database.

I’m looking forward to receiving many contributions from casual and regular visitors to /ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ/.

Markus Killer